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Diet Drug Alli Linked to Severe Liver Damage
The FDA has started an investigation into whether the diet drug orlistat, marketed as both Alli and Xenical, has been causing serious liver damage in some patients.
Prescription-strength Xenical was approved by the FDA in 1999. Half-strength Alli was approved as the first (and to date, only) over-the-counter weight loss drug in 2007.
Since 1999, there have been 32 adverse event reports linking orlistat to severe liver damage. Twenty-seven patients have been hospitalized for liver problems, and six suffered from outright liver failure. Both of the cases involving Alli took place within the United States, while the other 30 cases, involving Xenical, all took place in other countries.
The FDA discussed its concerns with orlistat at an April meeting of the agency's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Drug Safety Oversight Board, then eventually decided to further investigate the issue. It is also reviewing data on other potential cases of liver damage submitted by GlaxoSmithKline, which markets Alli, and Roche, which markets Xenical.
"The issues here are complex, but the FDA has benefited from the input of the Board, including comments from representatives from three FDA Centers and several other agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services," said Steven Osborne, executive director of the Drug Safety Oversight Board.
Orlistat has been a big hit for both Glaxo and Roche, which reported $123 million and $472 million in sales of the drug last year, respectively. A Glaxo representative denied that the drug was responsible for the cases of liver damage, noting that the overweight are already at risk for liver disorders.
But the FDA has cautioned that all people taking Alli or Xenical contact their doctors immediately if they suffer any symptoms of liver damage, including fatigue, fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, brown urine or stomach pain. Loss of appetite, itchiness and light-colored stools may be signs of more advanced liver damage.

Breast reduction operations are becoming rapidly more popular among men, according to data released by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.
The figures show that the operations increased 80 percent, from 323 to 581, between 2008 and 2009. In 2004, just 22 male breast reductions were performed.
The actual numbers are almost certainly higher -- most likely closer to 1,000 in 2009 -- as only one in three British aesthetic plastic surgeons are members of the association.
The overall rate of plastic surgeries increased by 6.7 percent between 2008 and 2009, with only a 5 percent increase among women. The rate of cosmetic surgeries in men, in contrast, increased by 21 percent.
"There's a lot of pressure on men now to shape up," said researcher Rajiv Grover. "Men's grooming is on the rise, and big fashion houses are using half-naked men, such a David Beckham, to advertise."
In the United States, male breast reduction operations have not increased so drastically, and there was actually a slight drop in 2008, perhaps due to economic hardship. But according to Robert Cattani of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, the overall trend is still upward.
"We've seen an increase," Cattani said. "In the last five years, I personally have done 200 to 300 male breast reductions per year."
Breast reduction is the fourth most common form of male cosmetic surgery in the United States, following nose jobs, eyelid surgery and liposuction.
Excess mammary tissue in men, known as gynecomastia, can be caused by a variety of underlying conditions including obesity, breast cancer and the use of illegal or prescription drugs.
"Most of the time, it's just normal variance but you have to rule out underlying causes," said breast surgeon Sharon Rosenbaum-Smith, of St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital in New York. "Guys' boobs do go up and down in size as they gain or lose weight, just as women's do. But if you're a pot smoker and you are overweight, just changing your lifestyle may mean you wouldn't need to have a breast reduction."
Two of the best and greenest reusable food container brands
Many health-conscious individuals understand the value in preparing healthy food at home for both themselves and their children. Not only is this practice economical, but it provides a superior option to fast food and school lunchroom fare. In response to this growing trend, many companies have begun to spring up that make reusable eating ware.
Plastic bags and containers, which are most commonly used to tote food on-the-go, are now known to leech dangerous chemicals into food. So are there any practical, safe alternatives? In this review, I have evaluated two of the top reusable eating ware brands that are safe, environmentally-friendly, plastic-free and practical.
Eco Ditty makes sandwich and snack bags that are composed of 100 percent organic cotton. The idea was birthed out of the discovery that the founder's daughter was allergic to PVC plastic and that a suitable alternative was needed.
The variety of unique exterior designs are printed with low-impact inks and dyes while the interior liners that come into contact with the food are un-dyed. (Although low-impact dyes are still petroleum-derived, they are the best available alternative to conventional dyes when printing vibrant colors on fabric. Low-impact dyes are commonly used on organic fabric products and are generally considered to be safe and non-toxic.)
The neat thing about Eco Ditty's bags is that they are fully adjustable in size and can be washed in the dishwasher, by hand or in the washing machine. Because they are organic, you do not need to worry about GMO or pesticide contamination, which earned this company the top pick status in this category.
ECO Lunchbox makes handmade lunch bags, napkins, stainless-steel food containers and sustainable bamboo and steel utensils, all of which can be purchased separately or in a single kit. All the pieces are lead-free, BPA-free, PVC-free and vinyl-free, and there are many different styles from which to choose. Founder Sandra Harris originally developed the products to provide a practical, safe and environmentally-friendly way to pack lunches for her children.
The neat thing about the company's stainless-steel food containers is that even the lids are made from steel, ensuring that food does not come into contact with any plastic. At the same time, they are not 100 percent leak-proof like some other brands that use plastic are, so there is a trade-off involved. However aside from glass which is breakable, stainless-steel seems to be the best option for safe food containers.
The products are sustainably-produced, but the only current drawback is the company's use of non-organic cotton in its napkins. Sandra Harris, founder of ECO Lunchbox, indicated that she is actively working towards bringing in a quality source for organic cotton to be used in the future.
Overall, both the company ethic and the product quality are impressive, so ECO Lunchbox earns a top spot for highly recommended reusable eating ware.
Your Pet Needs Healthy Food Too
Pet owners must realize just how important nutrition is to the health of their pets, and they are beginning to pay more attention to what they are feeding their cats and dogs. To keep your pet healthy, extend your pet's life and save on vet bills, it's just as important for your pet to eat healthy as it is for you. A perceptive owner is aware that a healthy pet has clear bright eyes, brilliant coat sheen, clean teeth, good breath, and a playful happy attitude. Unfortunately, many pets are unhealthy, attributed to their diet, and suffer from health problems, such as allergies, diabetes, cancer, ear infections, irritable bowel, urinary tract infections, bladder stones, scratching and skin and coat issues.
Holistic vets believe that the harmful ingredients in most pet foods are factors that lead to various illnesses and chronic problems in the lives of pets and they advise pet owners to provide natural dog and cat food. Many well-known large commercial pet food companies advertise that their food is natural and healthy and contains fresh vegetables and lean cuts of meat. But a look at the ingredients is a different story. Questionable potentially harmful ingredients are: animal by-products, artificial colors and flavors and chemical preservatives like BHA, BHT, and ethoxyquin, a cancer-causing preservative. Many pet medical conditions are believed to
be directly linked to diet since pet foods contain wheat, corn and soy---- the top three allergy-causing grains; in addition, by-products, partial grains and unidentified meat sources are problem-causing also.
Dr. Sandra Sargent, vet dermatologist at Pittsburgh Vet Specialty and Emergency Center in Ohio Township says, "The vast majority of food allergies in pets are sensitivities to beef, dairy, wheat, corn, soy, chicken, turkey and eggs. A smaller percentage is to preservatives and dyes." She also states that if your pet is sensitive to chicken, then any diet containing chicken will cause problems. Only 10-15 percent of skin conditions are pure food allergies. A higher percentage is thought to be a combination of food and environmental allergies (pollen, dust, mold etc.).
Dr. Doug Knueven of Beaver Animal Clinic, near Pittsburgh, one of the few holistic vets in the area, recommends supplementing processed pet food with a small amount of people food (meats and vegetables, not pizza or fatty table scraps.) Dr. Knueven recommends switching foods every month to avoid nutritional deficiencies or toxicities.
Why is all-natural pet food so healthy? It contains no rendered by-products such as intestines, heads, feet or feathers, no harmful fillers and no chemical additives, and it only contains human-grade ingredients. Healthy natural food has quality ingredients, nutritional adequacy and no harmful chemicals. It has meat amino acids and basic building blocks for muscle, skin, coat, bone, blood and immune system. In addition, it contains essential fatty acids, all natural preservatives and a combination of mixed tocopherols (Vitamin E) and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C).
Pet food companies are self-regulated and food from reliable companies is tested voluntarily on pets of all ages. Various aspects of the animals' overall health are monitored including age, weight, activity level, stool and urine, allergy sensitivity, and hair and skin conditions.
According to the National Pet Owners Survey in 2005-06, 63 percent of all U.S. households owned pets----73 million dogs and 90 million cats. The pet industry is big business. In 2008 $41 billion was spent on pet food, shelter, healthcare and luxuries, double what was spent just ten years ago.
If you are into healthy eating, why not do the same for your pet? Check the ingredients in your pet's food and see if it is healthy. Your pet's health is your choice.

The best organic pet food brands revealed
A stroll down the pet food aisle at the local pet store can be overwhelming. The shelves are full of countless brands all claiming to have the best formulations for your furry friend. Many brands are now selling "natural" and organic lines in order to attract discerning shoppers who are concerned about finding the healthiest food for their pets. So which brands truly deliver?
While some people may argue that fresh or raw foods are the best route to take when feeding your pet, not everyone has the time to prepare these kinds of meals, or access to affordable ingredients in order to make them. While many premium pet food brands can be quite expensive themselves, it is often the more practical choice for people who care about their health of their pets but prefer the convenience of dry kibble.
In this review, I will highlight a few of the best organic dry pet food brands I have found based on the quality and source of their ingredients. While I would highly recommend investigating them for yourself, these are some of the best formulas that use at least 95 percent organic ingredients, and the companies seem to embody principles that are in line with our philosophy here at Natural News.
Also, it is always good to sample these products first to make sure your pet will eat them. If your pet is used to some of the cheaper brands that use additives to improve palatability, it may not like some of these premium formulas which often do not smell or taste the same.
Another excellent organic dry pet food is the Castor & Pollux Organix line of pet foods. The first ingredient in every Castor & Pollux dry food is certified organic, free-range chicken. Most of the ingredients are organic and the ones that are not are still reviewed and approved by an organic certifying agency.
Like PetGuard, none of the Castor & Pollux Organix products contain any ethoxyquin, and they are free of common allergens like corn and wheat. Some of the formulas do contain organic soybean seeds, however, so make sure your pet is not allergic to them before buying.
My dog happens to love Castor & Pollux Organix canned chicken formulas more than any other brand I have tried thus far. And I feel good knowing that the ingredients are mostly organic and do not include dangerous chemicals and preservative.
Natura's entire line of pet foods is truly remarkable, but its Karma organic line for dogs is even better. Made from over 95 percent certified organic ingredients, Karma is made of organic chicken and a variety of organic whole grains. It also contains no wheat, soy or corn.
Natura's manufacturing process is also quite impressive, as the food must undergo over 100 quality-control checks before being shipped to stores. Natura also utilizes unique cooking and processing techniques that cook the food as gently as possible, preserving more natural nutrients than most other brands. This is noteworthy because most pet foods are cooked at extreme temperatures which strip them of most of their nutrients and enzymes
The company is also highly committed to sourcing only the best ingredients available. It uses no artificial chemicals or preservatives, and its products do not contain ethoxyquin.
PetGuard is one of the few pet food makers that produces a line of certified organic foods. That certification alone sets this brand apart from most other brands by ensuring that superior ingredients are used in these formulations. The company is family-owned and operated and sources all of its ingredients from the U.S., which is an additional plus. Not every company can make this claim, and when speaking with them directly, I got a real sense about their commitment to quality.
PetGuard's organic line is made with more than 95 percent organic ingredients. Its all life stages dog formula does contain whole ground soybeans, which I consider to be a negative, but at least they are organic. The company also makes an organic vegetarian formula for dogs that is free of soy.
PetGuard uses "human grade" ingredients, though it cannot legally say so. There are no GMOs in any of its formulas and the company uses only natural preservatives like vitamins C and E. There are no animal by-products in any of its formulas and the company does not use ethoxyquin, a dangerous chemical preservative made by Monsanto, in any of its formulas.
We will have most of these Brands available for purchase very soon. So check back!
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